Janet J. Graham
Assistant Professor, Graduate Program Director
Phone: (308) 865-8115 |
Email: grahamj@delicious-drop.com
- Ph.D., English. University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2019.
- M. Ed., Secondary English Education. Western Washington University, 1995.
- B.A., World Literatures and Cultures, The Evergreen State College, 1992.
Research Interests
- Critical Refugee Studies
- Multicultural North American Literature
- Diasporic Vietnamese Literature
- Life Writing
- Antiracist Teaching
- Vietnamese Refugee Journeys and the Fallacy of Certainty.” Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture, vol. 13, no, 1, October 2022, pp. 203-216.
- “The Ghost Mother in Two Vietnamese American Refugee Novels: A Critical Refugee Analysis” in Reclaiming Migrant Motherhood: Identity, Belonging, and Displacement in a Global Context, editor, Maria D. Lombard, Rowman and Littlefield, 2022, pp. 79-91.
- “Bending the Long Arc of War to a Vision of Peace: An Interview with Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai”: Multimedia Review, Journal of Vietnamese Studies (November 2021) - Co-authored with Quynh H. Vo.
- “Derek Walcott’s Poetics of Naming and Epistemologies of Place.” Journal of West Indian Literature, vol. 28, no. 2, November 2020, pp. 33-47.
- “Annual Bibliography of Works about Life Writing.” Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, vol. 43, no. 1, 2020.
- “Student Participation and Teacher Questioning Techniques.” University General Requirement Unit (UGRU) Journal, Fall 2007. http://www.ugru.uaeu.ac.ae.
Courses Taught
- English 871A/P: Language and Composition in the Secondary School
- English 859: Colloquium on US Literature 1855-Present
- English 855A: Contemporary American Literature
- English 806: Principles of Literary Criticism
- English 447: Seminar in Post-World War II American Literature
- English 424: Teaching Secondary School English
- English 359: Contemporary American Multicultural Literature
- English 333: Non-Western Literature in Translation
- English 255: Introduction to Children’s Literature
- English 253GS: Introduction to Literature: Non-Western Civilization
- English 251: Introduction to Literature: American Literature
- English 102H: Honors Academic Writing and Research
- English 102: Academic Writing and Research